First Move Direct Marketing

35 Years of Delivering Direct Marketing Success

35 Years of Delivering Direct Marketing Success

Using JICMAIL to assist with your campaign Planning

As JICMAIL accredited partners we can access audience measurement data for Direct Mail, Door Drops & Business Mail. This can help to predict the reach of your campaign, provide insights on what your competitors are doing and help you understand how much your target audience is interacting with mail in your industry sector.

JICMAIL has just finished a landmark study on the attention we pay to different types of advertising:

As you’ll see because you scroll through so many social media ad’s their cost per minute of attention is actually far higher than that of mail and door drop – which audiences on average spend far more time looking at.

The average piece of Direct Mail is looked at for 108 seconds across the course of a month, while the average Door Drop is viewed for 46 seconds.

So when you are thinking about creating a balanced study for your budget as well as effectiveness, make sure you consider the ROI for each method too!

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