First Move Direct Marketing

35 Years of Delivering Direct Marketing Success

35 Years of Delivering Direct Marketing Success

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How to build new revenue streams with Direct Mail

Transform your business through direct mail & increase your response rates

Direct mail is much more than an envelope and a leaflet — it’s the opportunity to put your brand in your customers’ hands. That physical connection is on the way to ownership. Now you have to convince them.

You have great scope for creativity with direct mail, and it has become even more innovative as the years progress.

With greater competition, brands have to communicate in ways they’ve never done before. Mailers that fold into cars. Miniature card record players — the examples are endless. You and your brand are only limited by your imagination and budget.

Whether your currently using direct mail or exploring the benefits, we’ve got the expertise to ensure your direct mail response rates soar. Why not give your customers and prospects something that will help them remember you. Functional items that will stay around a while, always reminding them of your brand. Lumpy mail always gets attention — everyone likes surprises. Product samples, boomerangs — even toy guns. These are a neat way to win favour and show your brand’s creative side. Brand building doesn’t stop there. Research shows that people respond better when they feel they’re included, when spoken to directly. That’s where personalisation comes in.

A brand that has bothered to get to know their customer will be remembered, whereas a competitor who hasn’t taken the initiative will suffer the fate of the dustbin. It’s a cutthroat market, but remember, you have the edge. Direct mail will reach far more people than you planned, simply by it being physical and left on their desk or kitchen table.

It’s a conversation starter.

It gives you direct access to your customer where they live or work. It allows for creative that you can’t get from the digital world. And it gives you a physical connection that can’t be replicated either, as there’s neuroscience to prove that direct mail gives four times the emotional connection than digital. This tangibility is why direct mail is successful for building brands, in the past, present and future.

To discover how to get great results on your direct mail campaigns please call us on 01494 539300 or fill in our online contact form below.

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