Direct mail is a proven, cost effective marketing method, as a standalone or as part of a larger marketing mix. Here at First Move, our client services team give you their top 5 reasons as to why you should be investing in direct mail:
You remember your mail – 65% of recipients pay full attention to their mail. Personalise your mailing to drive this figure even higher – address your customers by name, appeal to them on a personal level and show them that you care! 70% of people say that mail rather than email makes them feel valued and research shows people trust their mail.
Return on Investment – Direct mail costs a fraction of other marketing methods like television, and can deliver great sales and growth for your company. Here at First Move we can offer competitive postal prices from as little as 20p per item, to help you reach out and connect to your potential customers at little cost.
Test your direct mail and measure it! – Everything can and should be tested so that sales growth can be built on the predictability of the results – at First Move we take testing your direct mail campaigns seriously, to ensure you achieve the best ROI. Find out more about A/B testing.
Integrate direct mail and digital marketing – If you’re running off the page adverts then run the direct mail a week after the ads, run the digital campaign after that – – memory recall is far stronger for ‘off the page’ adverts when you follow up with direct mail rather than just digital alone! Direct mail can complement your other marketing activities and research shows that when you reach customers on numerous channels you’re far more likely to have customers engage with you.
Programmatic mail – A customer abandons their shopping cart, a few days later they receive a personalised letter containing an offer which just happens to focus on the item they had been looking at – once setup this can be as easy as sending an email. You can recover another 14% of lost sales after exhausting email chasing from a piece of well-timed direct mail! Discover Programmatic Mail.